Shebbear College was honoured to host “Ted’s Tea” following the funeral of Ted Lott at Lake Chapel on Friday 2nd June. Over 300 people came to say their goodbyes to Ted, a former pupil, governor and OSA President, a true Shebbearian.

Ted was born at 3 Gables, Woosery on 7th July 1931. The only son of Arthur and Alice Lott.

“It is hard to think of anyone who embodied the spirit of both Shebbear and Shebbear College more than Ted Lott.

Ted and his wife Sheila were always splendid company – extremely well informed about the world, genuinely concerned about everyone’s wellbeing and most of all jolly good fun. Sheila was still amused that to some extent despite all those years in the shire, she was still considered an ‘incomer’ and she was always available for advice on life in North Devon – usually over a magnificent tea.

Ted was the guardian of Lake Chapel. His car was parked outside most mornings (most people felt safer when it was parked rather than in motion) and he spent many evenings there as the Newton Petrock choir got together for practice. On the warmest and coldest of evenings, it was a joy to hear the sounds of their rehearsals drifting across the school grounds.

Ted had been a boy at the College during the Second World War and told a vivid story of the boys gathered together listening to Winston Churchill on the radio. He also remembered seeing the glow of the fires in Plymouth above Dartmoor after it fell victim to German bombing raids. Ted later devoted many years of his life as a Governor of the College from 1967 to 1993 – the latter years involving some turbulent moments which must have challenged this very gentle man.

Ted loved Shebbear College and was always willing to help it in any way he could. A high point came in 2017, when the College hosted the Methodist Independent Schools Trust for its annual conference, Ted welcomed the delegates to his Chapel and they immediately fell in love with him for his humour and his accent. The follow up speaker was Michael Morpurgo – two great story tellers on the same bill.

For the dog walkers and wildlife lovers of Shebbear, Ted and Sheila created ‘Sheila’s Folly’ on the road to Stibbs Cross. This was a typically enlightened, far sighted and altruistic act which will benefit generations to come. Ted was a delightful and very kind man. A man with a simple, but strong faith and noble intentions. God bless his soul.”

Simon Weale – former Headmaster